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lua example for protobuf dissector which has protobuf encoded within protobuf


Am looking for working example for below case where data is serialized as bytes to another protobuf.

In below example streamDataArgs msg includes "data" as bytes and that is serialized with encodeData.proto. This is a very simple case and I would like to know if there is simpler way to get the working lua example for this.

I found but that neither had the protofile nor the full lua script example to check.


syntax = "proto3";

package export_data;

service streamDataOut { 
    rpc streamData(stream streamDataArgs) returns(stream streamDataArgs) {}; 

message streamDataArgs { 
    int64 Id = 1; 
    bytes data = 2; // serialized with encodeDataInfo message from encodeData.proto 


syntax = "proto3";

package encoded_data;

message encodeDataInfo { 
    string name = 1; // set to macData.proto
    bytes val = 2;     // serialized with macDataInfo from macData.proto


syntax = "proto3";

package mac_data;

message macDataInfo { 
    string mac_addr = 1; // set to mac address
    uint64 time = 2;        // set to epoch time in ms

pcap file

lua example for protobuf dissector which has protobuf encoded within protobuf


Am looking for working example for below case where data is serialized as bytes to another protobuf.

In below example streamDataArgs msg includes "data" as bytes and that is serialized with encodeData.proto. This is a very simple case and I would like to know if there is simpler way to get the working lua example for this.

I found but that neither had the protofile nor the full lua script example to check.


syntax = "proto3";

package export_data;

service streamDataOut { 
    rpc streamData(stream streamDataArgs) returns(stream streamDataArgs) {}; 

message streamDataArgs { 
    int64 Id = 1; 
    bytes data = 2; // serialized with encodeDataInfo message from encodeData.proto 


syntax = "proto3";

package encoded_data;

message encodeDataInfo { 
    string name = 1; // set to macData.proto
    bytes val = 2;     // serialized with macDataInfo from macData.proto


syntax = "proto3";

package mac_data;

message macDataInfo { 
    string mac_addr = 1; // set to mac address
    uint64 time = 2;        // set to epoch time in ms

pcap file

lua example for protobuf dissector which has protobuf encoded encode within protobuf


Am looking for working example for below case where data is serialized as bytes to another protobuf.

In below example streamDataArgs msg includes "data" as bytes and that is serialized with encodeData.proto. This is a very simple case and I would like to know if there is simpler way to get the working lua example for this.

I found but that neither had the protofile nor the full lua script example to check.



syntax = "proto3"; "proto3";

package export_data; export_data;

service streamDataOut { { rpc streamData(stream streamDataArgs) returns(stream streamDataArgs) {}; } {}; }

message streamDataArgs { { int64 Id = 1; 1; bytes data = 2; // serialized with encodeDataInfo message from encodeData.proto }




syntax = "proto3"; "proto3";

package encoded_data; = "encoded_data";

message encodeDataInfo { { string name = 1; // set to macData.proto bytes 1; string val = 2; // serialized with macDataInfo from macData.proto }


syntax = "proto3";

package mac_data;

message macDataInfo { 
    string mac_addr = 1; // set to mac address
    uint64 time = 2;        // set to epoch time in ms
2; }

lua example for protobuf dissector which has protobuf encode within protobufprotobuf encode


Am looking for working example for below case where data is serialized as bytes to another protobuf.

In below example streamDataArgs msg includes "data" as bytes and that is serialized with encodeData.proto. This is a very simple case and I would like to know if there is simpler way to get the working lua example for this.

I found but that neither had the protofile nor the full lua script example to check.


syntax = "proto3";

package export_data;

service streamDataOut { rpc streamData(stream streamDataArgs) returns(stream streamDataArgs) {}; }

message streamDataArgs { int64 Id = 1; bytes data = 2; // serialized with encodeDataInfo message from encodeData.proto }


syntax = "proto3";

package = "encoded_data";

message encodeDataInfo { string name = 1; string val = 2; }

lua example for protobuf dissector which has protobuf encode within protobuf encode


Am looking for working example for below case where data is serialized as bytes to another protobuf.

In below example streamDataArgs msg includes "data" as bytes and that is serialized with encodeData.proto. This is a very simple case and I would like to know if there is simpler way to get the working lua example for this.

I found but that neither had the protofile nor the full lua script example to check.


syntax = "proto3";

package export_data;

service streamDataOut { rpc streamData(stream streamDataArgs) returns(stream streamDataArgs) {}; }

message streamDataArgs { int64 Id = 1; bytes data = 2; // serialized with encodeDataInfo message from encodeData.proto }


syntax = "proto3";

package = "encoded_data";

message encodeDataInfo { string name = 1; string val = 2; }

lua example for protobuf dissector which has protobuf encode within protobuf encode


Am looking for working example for below case where data is serialized as bytes to another protobuf.

In below example streamDataArgs msg includes "data" as bytes and that is serialized with encodeData.proto. This is a very simple case and I would like to know if there is simpler way to get the working lua example for this.

I found but that neither had the protofile nor the full lua script example to check.


syntax = "proto3";

package export_data;

service streamDataOut { rpc streamData(stream streamDataArgs) returns(stream streamDataArgs) {}; }

message streamDataArgs { int64 Id = 1; bytes data = 2; // serialized with encodeDataInfo message from encodeData.proto }


syntax = "proto3";

package = "encoded_data";

message encodeDataInfo { string name = 1; string val = 2; }