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duplicated headers in json conversion

I am doing some capturing using tshark for troubleshooting and got a strange behavior:

I produced a capture file (pcap) with dumpcap and converted it to json with tshark. I then noticed that the headers of some requests (http.request.line) got duplicates of various values (like a long list of headers and values).

For example, I got in the same http.request.line 24 unique User-Agent values, 5 unique Accept values etc...

I did the conversion on an Ubnutu 18.04.4 LTS and tshark version 2.6.10.

I then tries this conversion on a different Ubuntu distribution (Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS and tshark version 3.2.3) with the same pcap file and got no duplication.

Did you encounter anything like this between those versions?