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Coloring Rules

Hi, im im new to Wireshark and want to ask a Question about Coloring rules.

First: I filtered the PCAP Trace to see a specific Conversation between two IP adresses. For that i filtered the frame for a specific hex Code in the Payload: frame[430] ==80 && frame[431] == 01

This works fine. I dont want to filter for specific IP adresses because they can change. The Payload Message not.

So i have filtered all specific Frames. From (Source)A->(Dest)B From (Source)B->(Dest)A

My Issue:

I want a Coloring Rule that colorizes (Source)A->(Dest)B different to (Source)B->(Dest)A without selecting a specific IP. Is this possible?

Best regards, Bluescreen

Sorry for my bad English, i´m German ;D