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Androiddump doesn't show Bluetooth interfaces

I am trying to live-capture the bluetooth traffic sent from my Samsung A51 on Android 10:

Bluetooth HCI snoop log is enabled on the phone and I toggled bluetooth after enabling. I am able to download a bug report, which includes the btsnoop_hci file, from the phone via

>adb bugreport

adb is connected:

>adb devices
List of devices attached
R58N427J7TD     device

androiddump works, but only shows the Logcat interfaces. I am missing the Bluetooth interfaces:

>androiddump --extcap-interfaces
extcap {version=1.1.0}{help=file:///C:/Program%20Files/Wireshark/extcap/androiddump.html}
interface {value=android-logcat-text-main-R58N427J7TD}{display=Android Logcat Main SM_A515F R58N427J7TD}
interface {value=android-logcat-text-system-R58N427J7TD}{display=Android Logcat System SM_A515F R58N427J7TD}
interface {value=android-logcat-text-radio-R58N427J7TD}{display=Android Logcat Radio SM_A515F R58N427J7TD}
interface {value=android-logcat-text-events-R58N427J7TD}{display=Android Logcat Events SM_A515F R58N427J7TD}
interface {value=android-logcat-text-crash-R58N427J7TD}{display=Android Logcat Crash SM_A515F R58N427J7TD}

Any other ideas why no bluetooth interface is showing up? Also in the Wireshark App UI I can only find the above listed interfaces.