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ethers file not working for me

wireshark 3.2.7, win10pro

ethers file in %APPDATA%\Wireshark

View>Name Resolution>Resolve Physical Addresses: checked

Edit>Preferences>Name Resolution>Resolve MAC addresses: checked

Edit>Preferences>Name Resolution>Use an external name resolver: unchecked

This used to work for me, now it doesn't. I don't think that I have changed anything is this regard.

Sample from ethers file:

00:0b:82:8e:72:a3 DP750
d0:50:99:ab:d4:74 E51560V4

ethers file not working for me

wireshark 3.2.7, win10pro

ethers file in %APPDATA%\Wireshark

View>Name Resolution>Resolve Physical Addresses: checked

Edit>Preferences>Name Resolution>Resolve MAC addresses: checked

Edit>Preferences>Name Resolution>Use an external name resolver: unchecked

This used to work for me, now it doesn't. I don't think that I have changed anything is this regard.

Sample from ethers file:

00:0b:82:8e:72:a3 DP750
d0:50:99:ab:d4:74 E51560V4