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Selected packet position when display filter is removed

Are there any options (can't find any, but..) related to the position of the selected/highlighted packet when a display filter is removed?

For example, if I capture everything on my LAN for a few seconds then add a UDP display filter, I see only UDP packets showing in the capture window. If I select the middle line in that, then remove the display filter, the selected line moves to the bottom of the capture window and remains selected. Are there any options to change that behaviour, for example it might be nice to have the selected line not move.

Here's an example to illustrate what happens now, with 3.0.7. Say I have the following displayed:

58 DNS
59 IGMPv2
60 UDP
61 IGMPv2
62 IGMPv2
63 IGMPv2
64 IGMPv2
65 ARP
66 WireGuard
67 WireGuard
68 TCP

I select packet 60 then apply UDP as a filter. The capture window changes to:

49 DNS
50 DNS
51 DNS
52 DNS
53 DNS
54 DNS
55 DNS
56 DNS
57 DNS
58 DNS
60 UDP <- selected packet moves to the bottom

Now, if I scroll so that packet 60 is in the middle of the capture list I get:

54 DNS
55 DNS
56 DNS
57 DNS
58 DNS
60 UDP
66 WireGuard
67 WireGuard
91 WireGuard
92 DNS
93 DNS

Then finally, with packet 60 still selected, I delete the capture expression and get:

50 DNS
51 DNS
52 DNS
53 DNS
54 DNS
55 DNS
56 DNS
57 DNS
58 DNS
59 IGMPv2
60 UDP <- selected packet moves to the bottom again

It would be nice (in my opinion :-)) to be able to apply and remove filters without the selected packet being moved, i.e. if it's in the middle row of the capture window before applying the filter, it stays there after the filter is applied and then when the filter is removed.

Is this currently possible?