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Can an Expert help identify an issue

I have a device with an embedded controller and IP stack.

It has been working without issue for over a year.

I have a website at Hostgator where I keep firmware files that can be downloaded to the controller.

In October something has happened because now my http get file download requests gets stalled (about 50% of the time).

UPDATE: It is now stalling all the time.

I have a wireshark capture of the event which I shared with Hostgator telling them I suspected something has changed on their site that is now affecting my controller's behavior.

Hostgator told me - not their issue (but I found nobody there actually uses wireshark).

I'm OK at reading an trying to figure out a network issue with wireshark but not 100% sure enough to go and present positive proof (if found) that Hostgator has an issue.

I am asking if an expert can take a few moments and review my wireshark capture with me and give me their opinion as to the issue. (It may be related to TCP window sizes).

Here is the capture in question: link text

Update - can someone explain what Wireshark is displaying in this picture. This packet behavior seems to occur when things goes South.

Line 178 - Server send SEQ = 98001

Line 179 - Different time stamp - same msg. Was there actually a second msg sent or is this just WS behavior?

Line 180 - I ACK the message

image description



Can an Expert help identify an issue

I have a device with an embedded controller and IP stack.

It has been working without issue for over a year.

I have a website at Hostgator where I keep firmware files that can be downloaded to the controller.

In October something has happened because now my http get file download requests gets stalled (about 50% of the time).

UPDATE: It is now stalling all the time.

I have a wireshark capture of the event which I shared with Hostgator telling them I suspected something has changed on their site that is now affecting my controller's behavior.

Hostgator told me - not their issue (but I found nobody there actually uses wireshark).

I'm OK at reading an trying to figure out a network issue with wireshark but not 100% sure enough to go and present positive proof (if found) that Hostgator has an issue.

I am asking if an expert can take a few moments and review my wireshark capture with me and give me their opinion as to the issue. (It may be related to TCP window sizes).

Here is the capture in question: link text

Update - can someone explain what Wireshark is displaying in this picture. This packet behavior seems to occur when things goes South.

Line 178 - Server send SEQ = 98001

Line 179 - Different time stamp - same msg. Was there actually a second seconds msg sent or is this just WS behavior?

Line 180 - I ACK the message

image description



Can an Expert help identify an issue

I have a device with an embedded controller and IP stack.

It has been working without issue for over a year.

I have a website at Hostgator where I keep firmware files that can be downloaded to the controller.

In October something has happened because now my http get file download requests gets stalled (about 50% of the time).

UPDATE: It is now stalling all the time.

I have a wireshark capture of the event which I shared with Hostgator telling them I suspected something has changed on their site that is now affecting my controller's behavior.

Hostgator told me - not their issue (but I found nobody there actually uses wireshark).

I'm OK at reading an trying to figure out a network issue with wireshark but not 100% sure enough to go and present positive proof (if found) that Hostgator has an issue.

I am asking if an expert can take a few moments and review my wireshark capture with me and give me their opinion as to the issue. (It may be related to TCP window sizes).

Here is the capture in question: link text

Update - can someone explain what Wireshark is displaying in this picture. This packet behavior seems to occur when things goes South.

Line 178 - Server send SEQ = 98001

98001 Line 179 - Different time stamp - same msg. Was there actually a seconds msg sent or is this just WS behavior?

behavior? Line 180 - I ACK the message

image description



Can an Expert help identify an issue

I have a device with an embedded controller and IP stack.

It has been working without issue for over a year.

I have a website at Hostgator where I keep firmware files that can be downloaded to the controller.

In October something has happened because now my http get file download requests gets stalled (about 50% of the time).

UPDATE: It is now stalling all the time.

I have a wireshark capture of the event which I shared with Hostgator telling them I suspected something has changed on their site that is now affecting my controller's behavior.

Hostgator told me - not their issue (but I found nobody there actually uses wireshark).

I'm OK at reading an trying to figure out a network issue with wireshark but not 100% sure enough to go and present positive proof (if found) that Hostgator has an issue.

I am asking if an expert can take a few moments and review my wireshark capture with me and give me their opinion as to the issue. (It may be related to TCP window sizes).

Here is the capture in question: link text

Update **Update - can someone explain what Wireshark is displaying in this picture. This packet behavior seems to occur when things goes South.

Line 178 - Server send SEQ = 98001 Line 179 - Different time stamp - same msg. Was there actually a seconds msg sent or is this just WS behavior? Line 180 - I ACK the messagemessage**

image description



Can an Expert help identify an issue

I have a device with an embedded controller and IP stack.

It has been working without issue for over a year.

I have a website at Hostgator where I keep firmware files that can be downloaded to the controller.

In October something has happened because now my http get file download requests gets stalled (about 50% of the time).

UPDATE: It is now stalling all the time.

I have a wireshark capture of the event which I shared with Hostgator telling them I suspected something has changed on their site that is now affecting my controller's behavior.

Hostgator told me - not their issue (but I found nobody there actually uses wireshark).

I'm OK at reading an trying to figure out a network issue with wireshark but not 100% sure enough to go and present positive proof (if found) that Hostgator has an issue.

I am asking if an expert can take a few moments and review my wireshark capture with me and give me their opinion as to the issue. (It may be related to TCP window sizes).

Here is the capture in question: link text

**Update - can someone explain what Wireshark is displaying in this picture. This packet behavior seems to occur when things goes South.

Line 178 - Server send SEQ = 98001 Line 179 - Different time stamp - same msg. Was there actually a seconds msg sent or is this just WS behavior? Line 180 - I ACK the message**

image descriptionimage description



Can an Expert help identify an issue

I have a device with an embedded controller and IP stack.

It has been working without issue for over a year.

I have a website at Hostgator where I keep firmware files that can be downloaded to the controller.

In October something has happened because now my http get file download requests gets stalled (about 50% of the time).

UPDATE: It is now stalling all the time.

I have a wireshark capture of the event which I shared with Hostgator telling them I suspected something has changed on their site that is now affecting my controller's behavior.

Hostgator told me - not their issue (but I found nobody there actually uses wireshark).

I'm OK at reading an trying to figure out a network issue with wireshark but not 100% sure enough to go and present positive proof (if found) that Hostgator has an issue.

I am asking if an expert can take a few moments and review my wireshark capture with me and give me their opinion as to the issue. (It may be related to TCP window sizes).

Here is the capture in question: link text

**Update - can someone explain what Wireshark is displaying in this picture. This packet behavior seems to occur when things goes South.

Line 178 - Server send SEQ = 98001 Line 179 - Different time stamp - same msg. Was there actually a seconds msg sent or is this just WS behavior? Line 180 - I ACK the message**

image description



Can an Expert help identify an issue

I have a device with an embedded controller and IP stack.

It has been working without issue for over a year.

I have a website at Hostgator where I keep firmware files that can be downloaded to the controller.

In October something has happened because now my http get file download requests gets stalled (about 50% of the time).

UPDATE: It is now stalling all the time.

I have a wireshark capture of the event which I shared with Hostgator telling them I suspected something has changed on their site that is now affecting my controller's behavior.

Hostgator told me - not their issue (but I found nobody there actually uses wireshark).

I'm OK at reading an trying to figure out a network issue with wireshark but not 100% sure enough to go and present positive proof (if found) that Hostgator has an issue.

I am asking if an expert can take a few moments and review my wireshark capture with me and give me their opinion as to the issue. (It may be related to TCP window sizes).

Here is the capture in question: link text

Update Question --- if my MTU is 1500 why is the HG server only sending data packets of size 1400 instead of 1460?



Can an Expert help identify an issue

I have a device with an embedded controller and IP stack.

It has been working without issue for over a year.

I have a website at Hostgator where I keep firmware files that can be downloaded to the controller.

In October something has happened because now my http get file download requests gets stalled (about 50% of the time).

UPDATE: It is now stalling all the time.

I have a wireshark capture of the event which I shared with Hostgator telling them I suspected something has changed on their site that is now affecting my controller's behavior.

Hostgator told me - not their issue (but I found nobody there actually uses wireshark).

I'm OK at reading an trying to figure out a network issue with wireshark but not 100% sure enough to go and present positive proof (if found) that Hostgator has an issue.

I am asking if an expert can take a few moments and review my wireshark capture with me and give me their opinion as to the issue. (It may be related to TCP window sizes).

Here is the capture in question: link text

* Update Question --- if my MTU is 1500 why is the HG server only sending data packets of size 1400 instead of 1460?*



Can an Expert help identify an issue

I have a device with an embedded controller and IP stack.

It has been working without issue for over a year.

I have a website at Hostgator where I keep firmware files that can be downloaded to the controller.

In October something has happened because now my http get file download requests gets stalled (about 50% of the time).

UPDATE: It is now stalling all the time.

I have a wireshark capture of the event which I shared with Hostgator telling them I suspected something has changed on their site that is now affecting my controller's behavior.

Hostgator told me - not their issue (but I found nobody there actually uses wireshark).

I'm OK at reading an trying to figure out a network issue with wireshark but not 100% sure enough to go and present positive proof (if found) that Hostgator has an issue.

I am asking if an expert can take a few moments and review my wireshark capture with me and give me their opinion as to the issue. (It may be related to TCP window sizes).

Here is the capture in question: link text

* Update Question --- if my MTU is 1500 why is the HG server only sending data packets of size 1400 instead of 1460?*I hope this is what jaap meant in the comment below



Can an Expert help identify an issue

I have a device with an embedded controller and IP stack.

It has been working without issue for over a year.

I have a website at Hostgator where I keep firmware files that can be downloaded to the controller.

In October something has happened because now my http get file download requests gets stalled (about 50% of the time).

UPDATE: It is now stalling all the time.

I have a wireshark capture of the event which I shared with Hostgator telling them I suspected something has changed on their site that is now affecting my controller's behavior.

Hostgator told me - not their issue (but I found nobody there actually uses wireshark).

I'm OK at reading an trying to figure out a network issue with wireshark but not 100% sure enough to go and present positive proof (if found) that Hostgator has an issue.

I am asking if an expert can take a few moments and review my wireshark capture with me and give me their opinion as to the issue. (It may be related to TCP window sizes).

Here is the capture in question: link text

I hope this is what jaap meant in the comment below



Can an Expert help identify an issue

I have a device with an embedded controller and IP stack.

It has been working without issue for over a year.

I have a website at Hostgator where I keep firmware files that can be downloaded to the controller.

In October something has happened because now my http get file download requests gets stalled (about 50% of the time).

I have a wireshark capture of the event which I shared with Hostgator telling them I suspected something has changed on their site that is now affecting my controller's behavior.

Hostgator told me - not their issue (but I found nobody there actually uses wireshark).

I'm OK at reading an trying to figure out a network issue with wireshark but not 100% sure enough to go and present positive proof (if found) that Hostgator has an issue.

I am asking if an expert can take a few moments and review my wireshark capture with me and give me their opinion as to the issue. (It may be related to TCP window sizes).

Here image description

The blurred area is the capture in question: link text

I hope this is what jaap meant in the comment belowa IP address on HostGator.



Can an Expert help identify an issue

I have a device with an embedded controller and IP stack.

It has been working without issue for over a year.

I have a website at Hostgator where I keep firmware files that can be downloaded to the controller.

In October something has happened because now my http get file download requests gets stalled (about 50% of the time).

I have a wireshark capture of the event which I shared with Hostgator telling them I suspected something has changed on their site that is now affecting my controller's behavior.

Hostgator told me - not their issue (but I found nobody there actually uses wireshark).

I'm OK at reading an trying to figure out a network issue with wireshark but not 100% sure enough to go and present positive proof (if found) that Hostgator has an issue.

I am asking if an expert can take a few moments and review my wireshark capture with me and give me their opinion as to the issue. (It may be related to TCP window sizes).

image description

The blurred area is a IP address If an expert can spend a few moments - lets communicate so I can send you the wireshark packet and talk on HostGator.the phone or communicate by email.

