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To answer your question:

How can I capture the HTTP request on Wireshark console?

Take a look at the documentation. Like: The “Capture” Menu and Start Capturing.


Where "initRequestInterval()" sends 5 HTTP GET requests to the client every second

That is not what happens. It's the client (browser) that sends the HTTPS requests. When a browser downloads your static webpage, it also downloads a JavaScript that triggers it to download a page 5 times per second. So the browser does the work, the webserver just serves some static objects.

I don't know the public IP of that website

Use DNS or just watch the IP-addresses recorded during capture. Or use the 'developer tool' of your browser.

I use dummy HTTP GET request such as: so not actual data being sent

It is a real/working URL. So your browser does send and receive data 5 times per second. As instructed in your 'xhr.js' script line 7.