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Those are TCP packets for some protocol that tcpdump doesn't dissect (HTTP-over-SSL/TLS, probably, given that they're to and from port 443), so, after the IP addresses, the TCP flags are printed. They are:

  • F - FIN
  • S - SYN
  • R - RST
  • P - PSH
  • U - URG
  • E - ECN Echo
  • W - ECN Cwnd Reduced

If it's blank, no flags are set (which should never happen); if it's just a ".", it's an ACK-only packet (as everything except for the initial SYN should have ACK set, ACK isn't reported except for ACK-only packets).

ECN is Explicit Congestion Notification, specified in RFC 3168.


  • "SWE" has SYN+ECN Echo+ECN Cwnd Reduced; it's an initial SYN, and is, to use the terminology in section 6.1.1 of RFC 3168, an "ECN-setup SYN packet". It indicates that the host sending the packet supports ECN.
  • "E" has SYN+ECN Echo set; it probably also has ACK set (as per the "ack" field in the packet), so it's a SYN+ACK response to the initial SYN, and it is, to use the terminology in section 6.1.1 of RFC 3168, an "ECN-setup SYN-ACK packet". It indicates that the host sending the packet supports ECN.