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This script will convert your data to a format "Import hex dump" can understand:

cat albany.txt |\
awk '$1 ~ "0x" {match($0,/^0x(.... ..)(..) (..)(..) (..)(..) (..)(..) (..)(..) (..)(..) (..)(..) (..)(..)/,a);
                printf("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n", a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4],a[5],a[6],a[7],a[8],a[9],a[10],a[11],a[12],a[13],a[14],a[15],a[16]);
     $1 ~ "[0-9].[0-9]+" {printf("%02d:%02d:%02d\n",($1%86400)/3600,($1%3600)/60,$1%60);next}
               {print}' > for-hex-import.txt

Then within "import from hexdump", use the following settings:

  • offsets: hexadecimal
  • Timestamp format: %H:%M:%S
  • Encapsulation type: Ethernet
  • Use a ethernet dummy header, with ethertype 0x800