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Frame types is an enum and looks like it might be different from what the dissector doc shows:

 1 /* ftypes.h
   2  * Definitions for field types

  23 /* field types */
  24 enum ftenum {
  25         FT_NONE,        /* used for text labels with no value */
  26         FT_PROTOCOL,
  27         FT_BOOLEAN,     /* TRUE and FALSE come from <glib.h> */
  28         FT_CHAR,        /* 1-octet character as 0-255 */
  29         FT_UINT8,
  30         FT_UINT16,
  31         FT_UINT24,      /* really a UINT32, but displayed as 6 hex-digits if FD_HEX*/
  32         FT_UINT32,
  33         FT_UINT40,      /* really a UINT64, but displayed as 10 hex-digits if FD_HEX*/
  34         FT_UINT48,      /* really a UINT64, but displayed as 12 hex-digits if FD_HEX*/
  35         FT_UINT56,      /* really a UINT64, but displayed as 14 hex-digits if FD_HEX*/
  36         FT_UINT64,
  37         FT_INT8,
  38         FT_INT16,
  39         FT_INT24,       /* same as for UINT24 */
  40         FT_INT32,
  41         FT_INT40, /* same as for UINT40 */
  42         FT_INT48, /* same as for UINT48 */
  43         FT_INT56, /* same as for UINT56 */
  44         FT_INT64,
  45         FT_IEEE_11073_SFLOAT,
  46         FT_IEEE_11073_FLOAT,
  47         FT_FLOAT,
  48         FT_DOUBLE,
  49         FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME,
  50         FT_RELATIVE_TIME,
  51         FT_STRING,
  52         FT_STRINGZ,     /* for use with proto_tree_add_item() */
  53         FT_UINT_STRING, /* for use with proto_tree_add_item() */
  54         FT_ETHER,
  55         FT_BYTES,
  56         FT_UINT_BYTES,
  57         FT_IPv4,
  58         FT_IPv6,
  59         FT_IPXNET,
  60         FT_FRAMENUM,    /* a UINT32, but if selected lets you go to frame with that number */
  61         FT_PCRE,        /* a compiled Perl-Compatible Regular Expression object */
  62         FT_GUID,        /* GUID, UUID */
  63         FT_OID,         /* OBJECT IDENTIFIER */
  64         FT_EUI64,
  65         FT_AX25,
  66         FT_VINES,
  67         FT_REL_OID,     /* RELATIVE-OID */
  68         FT_SYSTEM_ID,
  69         FT_STRINGZPAD,  /* for use with proto_tree_add_item() */
  70         FT_FCWWN,
  71         FT_NUM_TYPES /* last item number plus one */
  72 };